We are pleased to introduce Top Traders Unplugged, a new podcast that supports our mission of identifying futures trading talent and to promoting investing in managed futures.
Top Traders Unplugged is created for you, the investor, trader or research analyst. If you are looking to take your manager due diligence or investment career to the next level, Niels Kaastrup-Larsen delivers the information you just don’t want to miss. Just like the Market Wizard books brought some of the greatest traders to light, Top Traders Unplugged brings to you a current successful hedge fund manager or commodity trading adviser who shares their experiences, their successes, and their failures. Hear their views on investing, portfolio construction, risk management, research, how to handle the emotional roller coaster and what it takes to become successful and a market wizard. The principals of Dunn Capital, Sunrise Capital Partners, Brandywine Asset Management, Chesapeake Capital, Estlander & Partners, Amplitude Capital and many other Barclay Top 50 managers are just some of the names we bring to you. Each episode ends with unexpected questions and advice that will help you take the next leap in your journey.
Support Top Traders Unplugged today by going to toptradersunplugged.com/iTunes and click “View in iTunes” and then “Subscribe”
And visit the website to see more details: Top Traders Unplugged and receive a free copy of the 5 Questions that Investors should ask, but never do!