Eurex Exchange, one of the world’s leading derivatives exchanges, offers a broad range of international benchmark products and operates the most liquid fixed income markets in the world. Innovative and reliable technology provides about 400 participants and about 7,600 traders in 35 countries worldwide with access to our products and services.
We offer a wide choice of contracts on indexes, single equities, ETFs, dividends and some of the world’s most liquid fixed income derivatives. Volatility, weather, property and commodity futures and options are also part of our offer – all on one single platform.
Investors can, for example, gain exposure to entire regions and single countries via our futures on MSCI indexes. The complete suite of products available covers developed and emerging markets includes a number of attractive contracts based on popular benchmark indexes, for example futures on the MSCI World, the MSCI Europe and the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.
Or you can trade the European yield curve with our fixed income derivatives. Our German fixed income futures and options are the benchmark for the European yield curve and serve as the standard reference when comparing, evaluating, and hedging interest rates in Europe. These form the core of our interest rate product suite and provide the market with instruments for triple A-rated Eurozone debt. Our Euro-Bund, -Bobl, -Schatz and Buxl® Futures enjoy consistently high open interest and rank among the most liquid fixed income derivatives in the world.
With about 2000 products across ten traditional and alternative asset classes we provide our customers a broad diversity and greater opportunities. The trading volume of our market participants connected exceeds 2.8 billion contracts a year.
We also deliver ground-breaking clearing services through Eurex Clearing, Europe’s largest CCP for derivatives, cash equities, repo and fixed income transactions including the clearing of bilaterally agreed off-exchange transactions.
Eurex Exchange is a member of Eurex Group which is part of Deutsche Börse Group.