Successful investing is not about getting it right every time, which Is impossible. Successful investing is about avoiding the large loss and putting the odds in your favor thru diversification options.
Capital Trading Group, or “CTG,” is a Chicago-based investment firm focusing on alternative investment opportunities in futures and options markets around the globe. We provide private, professional, and institutional investors with support and expertise in three main areas:
- Self-directed trading environments
- Professionally managed futures programs
- Execution, administration and allocation services for the industry’s top Commodity Trading Advisors
Our team provides personal assistance to help clients navigate today’s alternative investment universe. Whether you’re looking for the latest online trading technology or seeking the best professional money managers available, the CTG team will provide you with the best support in the industry.
Relationships with the industry’s top FCMs and clearing members grant CTG access to worldwide exchanges and investment products. CTG’s team of experts work to help you diversify your portfolio to receive the best returns possible in today’s volatile marketplace.
Contact us at 800-238-2610 or email